Spectrophotometric Determination of the First Hydrolysis Constant of Praseodymium (III)


  • Roberto González-Mendoza Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares
  • Hilario López-González Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares
  • Alberto Rojas-Hernández Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México




Hydrolysis of Pr(III), Hydrolysis Constants, Spectrophotometric Titrations, SQUAD


The behavior of the trivalent ion praseodymium in 2M of NaCl at 303 K and in CO2 free conditions, was studied. Spectrophotometric titrations of the soluble species were used, in order to obtain the value of the first hydrolysis constant of Pr(III). The data obtained were treated with both the program SQUAD and by a graphic method, respectively. The result obtained using SQUAD was log*ß1 = –8.94 ± 0.03, while it was log*ß1 = –8.77 ± 0.03, when calculated graphically. These results are similar to the value obtained previously with the potentiometric method.




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Author Biographies

Roberto González-Mendoza, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares

Dirección de Investigación Científica, Gerencia de Ciencias Básicas, Departamento de Química.

Hilario López-González, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares

Dirección de Investigación Científica, Gerencia de Ciencias Básicas, Departamento de Química.

Alberto Rojas-Hernández, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Departamento de Química, Área de Química Analítica; Facultad de Estudios Superiores-Cuautitlán. Unidad de Investigación Multidisciplinaria. Laboratorio de Fisicoquímica Analítica.


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