Synthetic Applications of Sulfur-based Chiral Auxiliaries in Asymmetric Syntheses


  • Horacio F. Olivo Division of Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry. The University of Iowa. Iowa City, IA, USA
  • Rosmarbel Morales-Nava Division of Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry. The University of Iowa. Iowa City, IA, USA



thiazolidienthione, oxazolidinethione, chiral auxiliary, aldol reaction, natural products


This mini-review intends to present one of the themes that has driven my research in developing methodology for the synthesis of natural products and important biologically active molecules. Sulfur-based chiral auxiliaries from aminoacids have been shown to have superior qualities in many cases to other well-known chiral auxiliaries. Some applications of these auxiliaries include acetate aldol reactions, resolution of racemic mixtures, Michael additions, intramolecular thio-Michael/aldol cyclization cascade reactions, and synthesis of natural products, including a new practical and efficient indene-based thiazolidienthione auxiliary.


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