Interaction Parameter (χ); Expansion Factor (ε); Steric Hindrance Factor (σ); and Shielding Function F(ξ); for the System PEA–Organic Solvents by Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements


  • Martha L. Cecopieri-Gómez Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
  • Joaquín Palacios-Alquisira Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Flory binary interaction parameter, hydrodynamic properties of poly(ethylene adipate), Stockmayer-Fixman (SF) hydrodynamic model, Debye-Bueche solution theory, intrinsic viscosity


Abstract. In this work we present experimental data of the Flory binary interaction parameter, χ, of poly (ethylene adipate) PEA, a plasticizer material. We have used the viscometric method for measuring dilute PEA solutions in good solvents: benzene, chloroform and acetone. A procedure based on the Stockmayer-Fixman, (SF), hydrodynamic solutions theory, allows us to evaluate some thermodynamic parameters via the intrinsic viscosity [η], measured in several good solvents. This method also estimates the unperturbed parameter, kθ, and the steric hindrance parameter, (σ), by viscosity measurements at constant temperature of 30°C. By correlation of the molecular weight (M) and intrinsic viscosity data, according to the Stockmayer-Fixman (SF) solution theory model, values of Flory binary interaction parameter χ, equal to χ1,2 =0.1544 ± 0.01; χ1,2 =0.1631 ± 0.01; and χ1,2 =0.1922 ± 0.01, for PEA in benzene, chloroform and acetone, respectively, were obtained. In addition we applied the Debye-Bueche theory, in order to estimate values of: expansion factor (ε), shielding factor (ξ) and depth of shielding (L) for the system PEA-organic solvents, by [η] and (M) experimental data correlation. The results confirm that values obtained, correspond to “good solvents” for the PEA polymer.


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Author Biographies

Martha L. Cecopieri-Gómez, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo

Research and Development Program in Molecular Engineering

Joaquín Palacios-Alquisira, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Chemistry Faculty, Macromolecular Physicochemistry Department


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