Efficient and Practical Synthesis of syn- and anti-b,g- Dihydroxyphosphonates Derived from (S)-Mandelic Acid
Diastereoselective 1,2-induction, diastereoselective reduction, b,g-dihydroxyphosphonates, b-ketophosphonates, (S)-mandelic acidAbstract
Abstract: A new efficient and practical synthesis of syn- and antib, g-dihydroxyphosphonates 1 and 2 was developed in high diastereoselectivity via reduction of b-ketophosphonates readily obtained from (S)-mandelic acid. An example of “diastereoselective 1,2-induction” is showed and a mechanistic model to explain the stereochemical outcome is proposed. Assignment of the configuration at the new stereogenic centers was achieved by 1H NMR spectral data of their corresponding acetonides.
Resumen: Se describe una nueva síntesis eficiente y práctica de syny anti-b,g-dihidroxifosfonatos 1 y 2 mediante la reducción diastereoselectiva de b-cetofosfonatos fácilmente preparados a partir de ácido (S)-mandélico. Esta metodología representa un ejemplo de inducción “diastereoselectiva 1,2” y se propone un modelo mecanístico para explicar la alta diastereoselectividad. La configuración absoluta del nuevo centro estereogénico se llevó a cabo mediante el análisis de los espectros de RMN de 1H de sus correspondientes acetales cíclicos.
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