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The Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society (J. Mex. Chem. Soc.) and the Mexican Chemical Society are very thankful to our 2021 Sponsors. We are highly honored with their generous support, which contributes to the consolidation of the JMCS as an internationally recognized and respected publication in Chemistry.
We deeply appreciate your trust and support.
Our 2021 sponsors:
Universidad de Sonora is an autonomous higher education and public service institution whose mission is to form, through quality and pertinent educational programs, well-rounded, competent professionals at a national and international level, articulating teaching with the generation, application, and transfer of knowledge and technology, as well as with the linking with the social and productive sectors, to contribute to society’s sustainable development. It is considered Sonora’s most valuable social heritage due to the importance and quality of human and material resources it possesses, its student population, the quality of the education it offers, the presence of its alumni, and its impact in regional history and progress.
The Institute of Chemistry (IQ), from the university “Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México” (UNAM), holds as principal aim, the organization of the chemical scientific research in Mexico in order to institutionalize it. In the IQ, many and diverse contributions to the development of Chemistry have been made. This official site provides information for prospective students and staff. The Institute of Chemistry fulfills its responsibility towards the development of higher education participating as an academic entity with the Chemical and Biomedical Sciences graduate programs. The Institute of Chemistry collaborates also with the Material Sciences, Biochemistry and Biology graduate programs. Additionally, research work is carried out by students to obtain B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees.
Since its inception 100 years ago, first as the School of Chemical Sciences in Tacuba and since 1965 as the Faculty of Chemistry of the UNAM, our Faculty has been at the head of related academic institutions in the country and has trained several generations of professionals of chemistry, contributing in a very significant way to prepare leading graduates, who have influenced the industrial transformation of Mexico. The academic work that the Faculty of Chemistry has carried out throughout this time has helped it to obtain the prestige and international recognition that it now enjoys. Mission: To train professionals of excellence with broad capabilities in chemical science and technology, committed to adding value to society, within the framework of the country's sustainable development.
The Engineering Institute of the UNAM is the center where the most important technological advances in the country and the great investigations that raise the prestige of the UNAM are generated. Interest in the environment; the development of macro-projects and the desire to find solutions to national problems have been present in this Institute since its inception, in 1956, with a great impact on society. Committed to the development of the country and the well-being of society, in our laboratories we study transport and housing problems, the use of energy and water resources. To be at the forefront, we research and innovate in information technology. In order to train specialized personnel, this entity has been a pioneer in establishing a scholarship program to incorporate Mexican and foreign students who are studying undergraduate and graduate degrees and who wish to carry out academic stays, thesis, research projects and social service in projects. Thanks to the work carried out by our community, the Engineering Institute has managed to position itself as one of the most prestigious entities, and has become a benchmark in research at a national and international level.
La Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán is a multidisciplinary entity of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, recognized for the excellence of its academic, research and cultural extension programs; engaged in improving the levels of quality and educational competitiveness in order to offer comprehensive training to the entire university community. The vision is, therefore, to be an institution of academic leadership at the national and international level. The FES Cuautitlán is a space of multiple learning, where excellence is not an exclusive ideal of knowledge, it is present in attitudes, values ??and daily practices, with the sole objective of training professionals who contribute to the construction of a better country, according to the needs of today's society. To achieve this, we cannot move away from the new information and communication technologies, currently present in all areas of our life, including education.
La Salle University is an institution of International and Innovative Higher Education, with social responsibility, human sense, vision for the future and more than fifty years of prestige training: Professionals with Value. We are part of the La Salle University Network with 15 locations in Mexico and La Salle Universities with 76 universities in the world. Our educational philosophy is based on the charism of Saint John Baptist De La Salle, who revolutionized education by contemplating the development of each and every dimension of the human being. We maintain an important academic, research and extension link with more than 100 national and foreign universities, and we belong to the most important national and international educational and professional associations. At La Salle we train Professionals with Value, promoting their potential to provide innovative solutions that transform Mexico and the world with responsibility and social commitment.
The Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Campus Iztapalapa (UAM-I) Is one of the five campuses of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) which is a public university founded on 1974 on the idea of innovation. With a strong link to our social environment, its flexibility has helped to maintain our place in the vanguard of higher education. CASA ABIERTA AL TIEMPO (In Calli Ixcahuicopa in Nahuatl) Is the University's motto. Our motto and logo synthesize the idea that UAM is a flexible, open, changing University, and that from solid roots we strive for the future. UAM has more than 100 laboratories, workshops, and pilot plants for research and lecturing. UAM participates with both national and international Higher Education institutions and Research Centers in different areas, through activities that offer opportunities to enrich academic and professional training: - Research and academic exchanges, - Student Mobility (undergraduate and graduate level), - Joined research and joined programs, - Academic Networks, - Seminars, Courses and Lectures, - Social Service Projects. UAM transforms knowledge into a useful product for society.
The Materials Research Institute of the UNAM has its antecedents in the Materials Center since February 1, 1967 and later changed its name to Materials Research Institute in 1969. Carrying out scientific and technological research on the structure, properties, transformation processes and performance of materials is the mission of this research insitute. To achieve this, the institute works and collaborates with the industry and with other national and international academic institutions through a large number of projects. Frontier research projects are being carried out in areas such as metals, ceramics, polymers, computer simulations of materials, superconductivity, nanomaterials, thin films, optics, rheology and sustainable materials. It is also part of its mission, to train high-level academic personnel in the area of ??materials, for which the IIM-UNAM offers students the opportunity to carry out their undergraduate, master's and doctoral thesis work in areas related to the Specialties of the Institute and, in particular, within the Master's and Doctorate programs in Materials Science and Engineering of the UNAM, whose coordination resides in the Institute. Today the Materials Research Institute is one of the main institutions in the country dedicated to the study and research of materials in their various types.
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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society (J. Mex. Chem. Soc.) Vol. 69 No. 1 (2025): Special Issue Celebrating 50 years of Chemistry at the UAM. Part 2. Quarterly publication (January-March). Edited and distributed by Sociedad Química de México, A.C. Barranca del Muerto 26, Col. Crédito Constructor, Del. Benito Juárez, C.P. 03940, Mexico City. Phone: +5255 56626837; +5255 56626823 Contact: Editor-in-Chief: Alberto Vela. Indexed Journal. Certificate of reserved rights granted by the Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor (INDAUTOR): 04-2005-052710530600-102. Certificate of lawful title and content: Under procedure. ISSN-e granted by the Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor (INDAUTOR): 2594-0317. ISSN granted by the Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor (INDAUTOR): 1870-249X. Postal registration of printed matter deposited by editors or agents granted by SEPOMEX: IM09-0312 Copyright© Sociedad Química de México, A.C. Total or partial reproduction is prohibited without written permission of the right holder. The Figures/schemes quality and the general contents of this publication are full responsibility of the authors. Updated January 1st, 2025 by Adriana Vázquez and Alejandro Nava (editorial assistants, e-mail:, J. Mex. Chem. Soc., Sociedad Química de México, A.C.